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Rapid Review Biochemistry 3rd Edition

Brief Overview of Rapid Review Biochemistry

By learning from experts directly, you can make the most of your researching time by learning from Rapid Review Biochemistry, an extremely accurate USMLE Phase 1 simulation with around 350 USMLE- type practical questions. The book provides a high-performance and detailed biochemistry text.

The book also contains tables with essential biochemical information and pearls often checked during the analysis. There was a great effort to supply a text that is well made with the USMLE stage 1 test specifications.

  • Key features of Rapid Review Biochemistry
  • The most recent knowledge in biochemistry was thus revised and updated in all the chapters.
  • The world’s popular subject expert, Dr. Edward, will teach you directly Golijan and his years in the field of medicine benefit from him.
  • Questions include 350 + USMLE will help you plan for your case and help you train for real examinations
  • All essential and high yield billets are now produced individually as “high yield margin billets.”
  • The new edition now contains wider pages so students can take notes and use adhesive papers during their studies.

Table of contents

This book contains about 13 Sections/chapters. Each section explains its topic of discussion in precise detail.

Here is the table of content of Rapid Review Biochemistry:

  • Section 1: Carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids
  • Section 2: Enzymes with proteins
  • Section  3: Biochemical membrane transduction
  • Section 4: Food.
  • Section 5: Diet fuel energy generation
  • Section 6: Metabolism of Carbohydrates
  • Section 7: Metabolism of lipids
  • Section 8: Metabolism of Nitrogen
  • Section 9: Metabolism incorporation
  • Section 10: Synthesis and metabolism of nucleotides
  • Section 11: DNA organization, synthesis, and recovery
  • Section 12: Genesis.
  • Section 13: Technology for DNA
