In this post, we have shared an overview and download link Cunningham’s manual of practical Anatomy PDF [all volume]. Read the overview and download using the links given at the end of the post.
The new 16th edition of Cunningham’s manual of practical Anatomy has been thoroughly revised for modern-day anatomy students. The language has been simplified for easy understanding making the textbook ideal for the students at the undergraduate level. Each dissection reflects the current medical school and teaching and is newly broken down into clear step-by-step instructions.
Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy volume 1 PDF
Here are some important features of this book
- A complete updated and modernized new edition
- Anatomical diagrams are now in full colors and completely by radiology images.
- Dissections include learning outcomes and clear step by step instructions
- New multiple-choice questions
Table of content
Below is the complete table of contents presented in Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy volume 1 16th edition
- Part 1: Introduction
- General introduction
- Part 2: The upper limb
- Introduction to upper limb
- The pectoral region and axilla
- The back
- The free upper limb
- The shoulder
- The arm
- The forearm and hand
- The joints of the upper limb
- The nerves of the upper limb
- MCQ for part 2: the upper limb
- Part 3: the lower limb
- Introduction to lower limb
- The front and medial side of the thigh
- The gluteal region
- The popliteal fossa
- The back of the thigh
- The hip joint
- The leg and foot
- The joint of the lower limb
- The nerves of the lower limb
- MCQ for part 3: the upper limb
- Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy volume 1
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